Entering and exiting public garages and parking lots, tend to take too much time, even with automated ticket issuing. On your way out you have to bother with money change or a credit card. It's a waste of time and paper. Instead, it is much easier to use your NFC card as a parking or a garage ticket. You can either charge your card for a period of time or a certain amount of money, it is up to developers who are implementing the system to choose either or both ways.
No need for using your credit card, looking through your wallet for cash or waiting for the change. Just place your card near the Digital Logic NFC RFID reader and complete your payment. Integration with NFC capable smartphones, through an adequate mobile app, is also possible. This way you can pay safely and quickly, with your favorite smartphone.
Along with NFC RFID reader, Digital Logic provides accompanying Software Development Kit, with vast libraries of examples for the majority of programming languages and platforms.
This system doesn't necessarily operate on its own, for public garages or parking lots. Large retail chains can integrate their loyalty system with parking system, allowing customers to access parking lots and to enjoy all the benefits of the dedicated loyalty program with a single card or NFC capable smartphone. The same principle applies when it is integrated with hotel system. Single card or smartphone's IMEI number allows access to the hotel room, using hotel's facilities and garages.
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